The TI Enhancing Whistleblower Protection in the European Union (EWP) Project is an awareness and dissemination activity as set out in the call for proposals. There are also strong analytical and monitoring aspects to the project. The 12–month project will contribute to enhancing the protection of victims of crime, specifically whistleblowers, by analyzing national whistleblower protection legislation in eight EU Member States and developing and promoting best practices. A total of nine Transparency International (TI) partners will participate in the EWP Project. Eight TI Chapters in EU Member States (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Romania and Slovakia) will implement the project in their respective countries. The TI Secretariat will coordinate the project from Berlin, Germany. The main outputs of the EWP Project will be: a) a set of comparable analyses on national whistleblower protection legislation and its implementation in eight EU Member States, b) an expert roundtable meeting on best practices in whistleblower protection c) a report on best practices in whistleblower protection applicable to EU Member States, and d) a campaign to actively promote the findings to relevant stakeholders The main event of the EWP Project will be the expert roundtable meeting planned to take place in Month 6 in Prague, Czech Republic. The meeting will be a forum for project partners to discuss and refine with relevant experts a set of best practices in whistleblower protection in EU Member States. The project will also take advantage of opportunities to participate in relevant events in the EU to further promote the report on best practices. With the support of the Prevention of and Fight Against Crime Programme of the European Union. With support of the Open Estonian Foundation.
Enhancing Whistleblower Protection
Project has ended