Shedding light on lobbying: How to tackle undue influence and conflicts of interests in key policy fields across Europe
The projects aim is enhancing transparency and enabling effective regulation of lobbying activities in the EU.
The purpose of the project is to promote transparency and best practice in regulations, policies and practice on lobbying and related fields, such as conflict of interests and revolving doors, to key stakeholders in Estonia and Europe.
During the first phase of project, an extensive leading study is executed, mapping country-specific lobbying related legislation, practices and risks. On the basis of the study, tailor-made recommendations and tools are offered for decision-makers in both the private sector (businesses, lobbyists and associations, including not-for-profit organisations) and in the public sector at national and EU level. The report and recommendations will be published.
Public support for key recommendations and engagement of European citizens for more effective conflict of interest management and greater transparency in lobbying practices is enhanced with established alliances with key civil society actors and other relevant stakeholders of legislative branches via roundtables and seminars.
The 2-year project is implemented in the period from 1 December 2013 until 30 November 2015.
The project is implemented with financial support from the Prevention of and Fight against Crime Programme
European Commission - Directorate-General Home Affairs