Participatory budgeting

Project is in progress

School youth for a more participative local municipality

The aim of the project is to raise awareness about democracy, corruption and empower youth through Participatory Budgeting (PB) to have a say in democratic processes and be an active citizen. With this project we hope to further empower young people, giving them an opportunity to extend their...

Project has ended

Empowering youth to have a say through participatory budgeting in schools

The aim of the project is to raise awareness about democracy, corruption and empower youth through Participatory Budgeting (PB) to have a say in democratic processes and be an active citizen. In order to do that, TI Estonia and Estonian Cooperation Assembly will implement PB in 8 schools all...


TI Estonia published a handbook on participatory budgeting for schools

During the last academic year, four schools across Estonia conducted participatory budgeting in cooperation with the NGO Transparency International Estonia and The Estonian Cooperation Assembly. By now, guidance material for conducting the process independently has been completed, and schools are expected to join with the project this autumn. Participatory budgeting is an initiative in which a...