Seli calls for inspection of Estonian Air and Eesti Energia

Reform Party member and former Port of Tallinn supervisory board head, Neinar Seli said after corruption allegations against Port of Tallinn's board members surfaced, that other state-owned companies should also be closely examined, such as Eesti Energia and Estonian Air.
He told Postimees it needs clearing up why Eesti Energia is active in Jordan and in Utah, US, and why did the company pay US lobby groups.

“I do not know much else about Estonian Air other than the previous CEO received a very substantial salary, and where did the 80 million euros of Estonian taxpayer money end up?” Seli asked.

Seli said corruption was not apparent in the Port of Tallinn and he trusted the staff members.

Seli resided over the supervisory board during the period from 2009 which authorities are investigating for possible corruption and money laundering cases. Authorities have charged Ain Kaljurand, the now ex-CEO and Allan Kiil, a board member, accusing them of large-scale bribe accepting, bribe giving, helping bribery and money laundering. Seli or any other supervisory board members have not been named suspects.